Σημείο ελπίδας από την Παναγία της Σαϊντνάγια στη Συρία για την πανδημία;

Σε μια σημαντική δημοσίευση προχώρησε στα κοινωνικά δίκτυα αργά το βράδυ της Κυριακής η Μονή της Παναγίας της Σαϊντνάγια. Η χριστιανική πίστη μπορεί στην εποχή μας να υφίσταται έναν ιδιόμορφο διωγμό, ώστε πάντοτε αποτελούσε το ασφαλές λιμάνι των πιστών.

Για όσους πιστούς και μόνο λοιπόν, ακολουθεί η σχετική ανάρτηση. Η καλύτερη επιλογή για την ανάγνωσή της είναι η αντιγραφή και μετάφρασή της στα αγγλικά:

Seeing a nun from the Monastery of Our Lady of Sednaya
O superior, sanctified by the mother of God, intercede for us ....
+ The vision that took place with the nunnery of Our Lady of Sednaya Patriarchate.
+ A nun from Egypt called one of the nuns of the Saydnaya Monastery, and she told her what happened to her. She said: I saw the Virgin Mary in the icon. She begged her son, Jesus Christ, to remove the epidemic (Corona) from the world .... but the Lord Jesus turned his eyes on it. As for the Blessed Virgin Mary, she kept begging her son, but he refused to hear her at all .. And he said to her: This world has turned away from me, this world is devoid of mercy, love and prayer.

The Nunnery of Our Lady of Sednaya saddened her heart when she heard. At the end of the call .... I looked at the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary, crying crying, "O our virgin mother, do not neglect us with your intercessions, but pray intercession for your son for all of us, in order to raise this epidemic (Corona), and heal every patient." While she is crying crying. She saw herself in the shrine of Al-Shagoura, and she aimed to prepare the cotton with the sacred oil for the visitors of the monastery, and she found impurities in the cotton, which she started cleaning. In the meantime, another nun entered the door of the (holy shrine) Shaghur. She said to her, “I want to congratulate me on the victory.” She was amazed and said: What happened? The nun answered her, saying, "I triumphed by persuading my son and my God to rule over the whole of his mercy and remove the epidemic from him. Tell the whole world to paint the doors and windows of homes, and on the foreheads of every human being. With holy oil, draw a sign of the cross. Thus the epidemic will be lifted (Corona) and will end.

For the intercession of the mother of God and her supplications, O God, have mercy on us and save us, Amen

March 27, 2020 A.D.

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